The OVAs are seasonal-themed episodes. The first episode, "Seiya" (Holy Night), was released last Decemeber 19 for Christmas. Meanwhile, "Honmei" (Favorite or Possible Winner) went out on February 11 for Valentines.
The brothers are divided into two groups to represent each OVA. The episodes are of course filled with the fanservices and with the brothers fighting for her attention. I enjoyed Seiya over Honmei because the transition of the scenes and the doki-doki moments are smooth and natural. Honmei is cheesier but still it's fun. I also love how they cleverly showed Hikaru as competition in Seiya. I'm not sure if the subtitles are accurate but the "reverse chocolate" in Honmei is so meant for a reverse harem show! The ending song is another story of its own and sorry for a lack of term, it's simply perfection!
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