"Ouji Sama No Tsukuri Kata" ("How To Make A Prince?") by Momoyuki Kotori 2 volumes
Yuri was tasked to turn the four devilish students into princes while masquerading as her brother. The art is too cute but the story is not. Who knows if the second chapter can squeeze in a miracle. It badly needs one.
Where do u read this?
ReplyDeleteDid u purchase it or read it online?
Im really looking forward to readin this but i cant find it...T_T
Thanks so much! now i can try reading it!!
ReplyDeleteDAMN YOU SAID IT. This is quite possibly one of the worst shoujo manga I've ever seen. This is a shoujo manga that wants to be a hentai. A fanboy's wet dream! The art is cute on occasion but Momokuri cannot draw side views of the characters' faces, nor can she seem to draw a girl who is built semi-normal! I mean, did Yuiri get IMPLANTS or what!? Why is she built like a porn star if she's in middle school!? Her FIRST year of middle school!? You phail, Momokuri. Go take some more art lessons-or better yet, draw from real life and learn that twelve to thirteen-year-olds do not have D-cup-sized breasts! Lord Almighty!