NisiOisin's novel, Bishonen Series, gets an anime adaptation. It was announced in time for the release of the tenth novel released today. The story follows activities of Bishonen Tanteidan (Pretty Boy Detective Club) at Yubiwa Private Academy, which is a secret unofficial non-profit group whose purpose is to solve all kinds of troubles at the school. The protagonist/storyteller is Mayumi Doujima, the only female member of the club, who dresses up as a boy. She encountered the members through the incident that involved the star she was looking for ten years, then became its official member. The novel also inspired manga adapatation, Bishōnen Tanteidan (Handsome Detectives). Source: CR and ANN (This is unconfirmed reverse harem.) The official website of Stand My Heroes: Piece of Truth revealed a new promotional video "Square Arc". It highlights an event that took place 15 years ago and the character, Yuki Hibiya. Source: ANN