Lost You Forever cdrama premiered on WeTV on July 24, 2023. In ancient times, people, gods, and demons coexisted with each other, with three ruling Kingdoms, Xiyan, Chenrong, and Haoling. Emperor Xuanyuan who was the ruler of the three kingdoms suddenly died, yet managed to hide his daughter named Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao grew up to be a smart and kind woman. When she went acress the deep forest, a tragedy happened to her. She then lost her identity and her real apperance. She stayed in Qing Shui city, disguised as a guy named Wen Xiaoliu working as a physician. One time, Xiao Liu accidentaly saved Tu Shanjing, the ruler heir of Tu Shan clan. She also met a nine-headed demon named Xiang Liu. Furthermore, she met Xuan Yuan Qiang Xuan who was in the midst of looking for her. Fate has brought everyone together in Qing Shui, but what does this all mean for Xiao Yao? The mystery romance light novel, Kouykuu Shakkiden is getting a manga adaptation on Manga Up on August 4, 2023. Source: ...
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