By ayreesa
"Neo Angelique Abyss", the fifth installment of "Angelique" anime series, will premier on Japanese boobtubes this April. It is based upon the game to which the female player together with the four male Orb Hunters fights the demonlike Tanatos. Kairi Yua, the artist of "Saiunkoku Monogatari", also designed all the characters in all the "Angelique" game franchise.
Source: ANN
i love this show ever since i watch the 1st episode thanks to everyone who made this show i just love it soo much man i just cant get enough u are very talented people .........waiting for the next episodes to appear....
ReplyDeleteYour truly one of Neo Angeligue Abyss biggest fan...
(P.S so happy to be the first to comment on this show)
ep 3 is out! :)